Saturday, February 07, 2009

saturday satiation

with passionate humor, these guys challenge social norms through their music as much as their lyrics. grandma's hands isn't their best song, but it is their best video:

cleanse the political palette before sampling don't sleep.

cbc radio 3 hooked me on this band with in the battle of sun vs. curtains, sun loses and we sleep until noon. beyond my weakness for extraordinarily long song titles, woodpigeon roped me in with their mellow musical innovation. last year, the guardian pegged them as a "semi-acoustic arcade fire or a full-band version of sufjan stevens." for second helpings, scroll down to potsdamer platz.

ella and louis
what can i say? i'm a sucker for comfort music. under a blanket of blue, i gave in to a good night's sleep.

sweet dreams.

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