Tuesday, December 16, 2008

something old, something new

a few years old, this website improves book swapping by broadening your community and making it more financially viable. like craigslist, individuals post a listing for each book they want to give away and interested takers work out the details via email. what sets book moochers apart is that, by shipping books at their personal expense, members earn credits to receive books from their own wish list for free.

this beta-version website launched last week. essentially, clerk dogs is to movies what pandora is to music. unlike netflix' software-based system, movie comparisons are generated by human "clerks" based on 35 movie attributes. while clerk dogs recommends all types of movies, their launch focus has been on the crime and suspense genres.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Johnny, Thanks for checking out ClerkDogs! Currently with our beta we are primarily crime and suspense but we are rapidly expanding the genre list so please enjoy the site (registration not required) and definitely don't be shy. We really want the feedback! - Mary, ClerkDogs